Upcoming events
1701 05:30-7:00PM
°Breath <Eva>
+ Naturally reach a state of non-ordinary consciousness by dynamic breathwork
+ Practice strong breathing techniques from ancient spiritual traditions, backed up with findings of contemporary neuroscience
+ Fly and open to new perspectives, supported by electronic music
Deep shadow listening
°Sound <AnaRosa>
19/01 ● 19:00 - 20:30 ● 90 Min
A listening Session to awaken the senses and guide you on a journey inward. Through intentional breathing, we create space to feel - listen - expand - and connect deeply with ourselves. Sustained by a composition of live instruments — including monochords, gongs, singing bowls, flutes, and chimes for meditation merged with electronic soundscapes — we explore the winter’s darkness with awareness and compassion. AnaRosa’s sonic artistry grounds the experience, closing with a healing medicine song to bring you back into balance.
The Art of Polarity: A Journey into Relationship Dynamics / Exploring Feminine & Masculine Energies
°Workshop <Sandra>
Fr., 24/01 ● 19:30 - 21:30 ● 120 MinIf you are ready to explore the magnetic polarity in your relationships and deepen your understanding of Masculine & Feminine dynamics - this workshop is for you.
The principles of Yin & Yang, Alpha & Omega, and Masculine & Feminine are ancient forces that each of us carries within—a unique blend of the flowing, ever-changing energy of nature and the steady, unchanging presence of consciousness.
These energies shape not only our inner world but also how we connect and relate to others. When expressed with awareness, they lay the foundation for deep intimacy, magnetic polarity, and harmonious relationships.
Balance comes when we are able to discern when each energy is needed—when to soften and surrender in trust, and when to lead with clear directions or hold firm boundaries. Healthy relationships thrive when we are attuned to each other’s nervous systems, generous with our love, and well-versed in the art of sexual polarity.
Whether you’re single or in a partnership, this workshop invites you to explore these dynamics more deeply. Through guided practices and partner exercises, you’ll discover how to embody both feminine and masculine qualities with intention.
A Space to Be
°Somatics °Yin °Meditation <Ranna>
This immersive yin yoga somatic experience will give you the opportunity to connect with your inner S P A C E and embody your infinite capacity to hold whatever arises to promote a sense of deep acceptance in the NOW.A Space To Be will cultivate inner relaxation and release stress, using tools such as Yin Yoga, Sensual Somatics, Sound, Meditation and Breathwork.
Bring warm clothing & journal
Leave what you know and come into the S P A C E to discover your own capacity to be with what is, as it is.
°Breath <Eva Maria>
+ Naturally reach a state of non-ordinary consciousness by dynamic breathwork+ Practice strong breathing techniques from ancient spiritual traditions, backed up with findings of contemporary neuroscience
+ Fly and open to new perspectives, supported by electronic music